The Lagotto comes in almost all shades of white, orange and brown, solid or mixed with each other. The colour black is not allowed, black markings or a black nose are a sign for an incross of another breed.
Here you can see the most comon colors of the breed.
Brown with tan markings
Brown roan:
This colors comes in a wide range, from almost white dogs with some brown markings and freckles to almost all brown dogs that have some white dispersed all over the body.
The colour of a Lagotto is changing allot during his life, especially in the first 1 - 2 years.
Brown roan puppies get born white-brown and turn darker after a few weeks. White puppies can stay white or turn into a light apricot. Brown puppies are born dark. They can range from a chocolate color to almost black but will turn into a more or less light brown when adult, only a few really stay dark brown.
Here you can see a white-brown puppy in the front and a brown roan in the back. The white-brown will stay white, his brown parts will become lighter while he gets older. The brown roan will get much darker later, some even turn into an almost brown dog.
A brown roan puppy with 4 weeks
The same puppy with 8 weeks (it already is getting darker...)
and again the same puppy with 5 month after the first hair cut
A white and an orange, new born puppy
Monday-Friday 7am - 3pm CT
Jacki Barbieri
CEO +1.417.894.6578
Office Manager
+1.317.507.1991 Text to schedule a phone call about our available dogs or puppies listed
**Visit by appointment only
Located: Seymour, Missouri
Heart of the Ozark!
Find us on:
Facebook: Terra Incognita Lagotto Romagnolo
Instagram: @thelagottotrainer
YouTube: The Lagotto Trainer Barbieri