We have several training services available, ranging from basic obedience and house breaking training to advanced obedience, as well as scent detection; including but not limited to truffles, bed bugs, bombs and narcotics.
We offer several training programs:
crate training, sit, heel, down, stay, and place.
ADVANCED OBEDIENCE: 6-8 week program
above plus off leash training.
dogs must have completed the Puppy Obedience program
dogs must stay until 6 months and complete at least the puppy obedience program. For non-Terra Incognita dogs this program is 3 months.
Basic Truffle Training, scent work, bomb and narcotics are 4 week programs
Dog must be evaluated as a suitable candidate prior to acceptance to this course.
Behavior modification and rehabilitation issues prices and time frame vary depending on problem and severity.
Service dog training is offered for peanut and food allergies, diabetes, wheel chair bound, autism, and emotional and physical disabilities.
Our training programs are open to all dogs, pure breed and mix dogs.
Please call for pricing and availability.
Monday-Friday 7am - 3pm CT
Jacki Barbieri
CEO +1.417.894.6578
Office Manager
+1.317.507.1991 Text to schedule a phone call about our available dogs or puppies listed
**Visit by appointment only
Located: Seymour, Missouri
Heart of the Ozark!
Find us on:
Facebook: Terra Incognita Lagotto Romagnolo
Instagram: @thelagottotrainer
YouTube: The Lagotto Trainer Barbieri